Saturday, December 25, 2010

Highway 330 Closure PHOTO UPDATE 2

Extended Delay Expected Before Reopening Road

By Michael P. Neufeld
Friday, December 24, 2010

PHOTO UPDATE 2 - Friday - 3:30 p.m.

Highway 330 between Running Springs and Highland is expected to be closed for an extended period of time. Running Springs resident Jeff Dambrun shares pictures of the damaged roadway.

(Photo by Jeff Dambrun.)

(Photo by Jeff Dambrun.)

(Photo by Jeff Dambrun.)

(Photo by Jeff Dambrun.)

(Photo by Jeff Dambrun.)

PHOTO UPDATE - Thursday - 5:52 a.m.

Running Springs, CA - An extended closure of Highway 330 between Running Springs and Highland is projected by CalTrans.

CHP officer J. Basham has been patrolling the closed roadway and provides photos of some of the storm damage.

The series of storms that passed through the mountain communities damaged several mountain roadways including Highway 330 between Running Springs and Highland. This guardrail was left hanging contributing to the extended closure of the roadway. (Photo by CHP Officer J. Basham.)

A close-up of guardrail on Highway 330 that was left hanging when storm water swept through the area. (Photo by CHP Officer J. Basham.)

CalTrans crews pushed rocks and debris into a turnout on Highway 330 in an effort to reopen the roadway. However, washouts at other locations forced the transportation agency to close the road to traffic until repairs can be made. (Photo by CHP Officer J. Basham.)

Original Story

Running Springs, CA - CalTrans and the California Highway Patrol report storm damage on Highway 330 between Running Springs and Highland may result in an extended closure.

Wash out undercut roadbed on Highway 330 about the 4000-foot level (Photo by CHP Officer J. Basham.)

"We're probably looking at a closure longer than expected," CalTrans spokesperson Darin Cooke told, "because there are problems in several areas of the roadway."

Cooke indicated maintenance crews had not had time to make a complete assessment of damage on the 330 due to the concentration on reopening Highway 18 in the Arctic Circle.

CHP Captain Rick Sanders told his units had been up and down the roadway and observed several washouts and potential problem areas.

This article was first published on Wednesday, December 22, 2010 at 5:37 pm. This article has been viewed 13184 times.

Michael P. Neufeld, Managing News Editor, is a graduate of the Dwight Bentel School of Journalism at San Jose State University. His first job out of San Jose State was with the Associated Press in Los Angeles as overnight Radio Editor. Prior to joining, Neufeld was editor of two weekly newspapers—THE MOUNTAIN NEWS and CRESTLINE COURIER-NEWS. He also has experience as editor of an employee newspaper for a major utility company and during his tenure as executive director of the San Jose State University Alumni Association served as faculty advisor to the association's monthly newsletter. He also spent eight years in commercial radio doing everything from news to advertising sales and writing commercials to being an announcer and on-air personality. Neufeld is actively involved the mountain communities including serving as master of ceremonies for the Arrowhead Arts Music Festival held each summer.

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